What You Need To Know About Getting Your Dog Spayed Or Neutered

Posted on: 16 January 2015

Many new puppy owners are curious about the details of spaying and neutering. There are many compelling reasons to spay or neuter your dog. These reasons range from preventing specific health conditions, to quelling overly aggressive or roaming behavior. Spaying or neutering your dog can improve your dog's health According to the ASPCA, spaying can potentially decrease the rate of breast cancer or ovarian tumors in female dogs. Also, neutering male dogs before six months may reduce the likelihood of testicular cancer.
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Treating Broken Bones In Cats

Posted on: 9 January 2015

If you have a cat, you may worry about how you would take care of a broken bone injury. Cats that spend time outdoors are more at risk for sustaining a bone injury. They may get into a fight with another animal, they might fall from a ledge or tree, or they may get hit by a vehicle. If you have a cat that spends time outdoors, you should be prepared on how to handle a broken bone injury should one occur.
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Foods You Didn't Know Were Harmful To Your Pet Rat

Posted on: 9 January 2015

Feeding pet rats is easy. The common saying is, "If you eat it, they will." Many foods are unhealthy for your rat, but he can eat it. Several foods can be dangerous and will require an emergency trip to the vet. Lactose Intolerance Like many humans, some rats can't digest the lactose in cow's milk. It will cause tummy troubles and can be dangerous. Pet rats that are lactose intolerant should not be given any foods with cow's milk, such as cheese or ice cream.
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How To Save Money On Bengal Cat Care

Posted on: 8 January 2015

Bengals are beautiful and delightful cats, but they aren't cheap. Most Bengals run upwards of $1000 dollars. Include the cost of daily care, and you might not think you can afford one. If you really want a Bengal, and are ready for one, then here are a few ways to save money on Bengal care that will help offset the cost of purchase but still keep them happy and healthy.
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