• 3 Excellent Services That A Dog Dentist Can Provide For Your Dog

    While many pet owners may not think about taking their dogs into the dentist, it is actually very important. Dogs can suffer from some of the same teeth issues that humans can suffer from, so it is very important that these issues are either prevented, or resolved if they happen. To do this, you are going to need to take your dog into a dog dentist, like one at Kenmore Veterinary Hospital.
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  • 2 Very Real (& Very Important) Advantages Of Dog Ear Cropping

    When it comes to dog ear cropping, there are many who purport that such procedures offer little benefit to either to the dog or the owner. However, while research varies from one veterinarian to the next regarding whether or not doing so will reduce your dog's risk of ear infection, there are quite concrete, tangible benefits to having this procedure performed. This article outlines two of the most legitimate benefits that dog ear cropping can provide: increased value for purebred breeders, and increasing the intimidation factor of guard dogs.
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  • Raw Place On Cat's Neck? How To Treat It

    If your cat has scratched its neck so much that there is now a red area that is obviously sore, there are things you can do at home to help it. If the redness does not go away, you should take the cat to the veterinarian, as they need treatment that is more aggressive. Clean the Area Before you get started, you need to clean the area well. As most cats do not like to get a bath, you can put some water in a spray bottle, and spray the area.
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  • What You Need To Know About Getting Your Dog Spayed Or Neutered

    Many new puppy owners are curious about the details of spaying and neutering. There are many compelling reasons to spay or neuter your dog. These reasons range from preventing specific health conditions, to quelling overly aggressive or roaming behavior. Spaying or neutering your dog can improve your dog's health According to the ASPCA, spaying can potentially decrease the rate of breast cancer or ovarian tumors in female dogs. Also, neutering male dogs before six months may reduce the likelihood of testicular cancer.
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  • Treating Broken Bones In Cats

    If you have a cat, you may worry about how you would take care of a broken bone injury. Cats that spend time outdoors are more at risk for sustaining a bone injury. They may get into a fight with another animal, they might fall from a ledge or tree, or they may get hit by a vehicle. If you have a cat that spends time outdoors, you should be prepared on how to handle a broken bone injury should one occur.
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  • Medicine To Keep In Your Dog's First Aid Kit

    In addition to the usual bandages, disinfectants and splints, you should also keep some medicine in your dog first aid kit. There are a few common medicines that can be used to help out your dog should they ever be in distressed. Antibiotic Ointment For Cuts If your dog ever gets cut, it is important that you clean out the cut. You do not want your dog to develop an infection.
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  • Ingesting Alcohol Can Be Deadly For Your Dog

    You may be aware that chocolate can be life threatening for your dog. However, did you know that alcohol can also be life threatening for your dog? All alcohol contains ethanol. Ethanol is a toxic substance for dogs. Keep Alcohol Away From Your Dog The easiest way to prevent your dog from experiencing alcohol poisoning is to keep alcohol away from your dog. Do not place any alcoholic drinks on low tables or chairs where your dog could knock over your drink.
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  • How To Keep Your Dog Free From Parasites

    Keeping your dog free from parasites is not only important for the dog's health but also for your own. Some parasites that find their way into the human body from the dog's body are extremely dangerous and can cause serious diseases and conditions. The Toxocara for instance, is a parasite that lives in a dog's feces and can lead to blindness. Even after taking care of your dog's mess, you are still in trouble since the parasite can attach itself to clothes and bedding.
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  • Natural Ways To Treat Arthritis In Dogs

    Taking your dog to the veterinary clinic can be expensive, especially if your dog suffers from a condition that requires medication. A common condition dogs experience is arthritis, which causes joint pain and stiffness. While many vets treat this with medication, an affordable clinic might be able to help you find some natural methods to use that are much less expensive. Here are some of the options your vet might suggest.
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